The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Maine 2001
Copyright ©
The Grand Lodge of Maine
First Edition
In 1996 the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts published a Member’s Handbook.
I am grateful to Most Worshipful Fred K. Bauer for granting me permission
to adapt that Handbook for use in Maine. Sections dealing with the broad
scope and work of Freemasonry are largely unchanged. I have made this
Handbook Maine specific by making adaptations when necessary to conform
to our Masonic law, organization, procedures and customs. In this rewrite,
I appreciate the input of M.W. Walter M. Macdougall, who completely redrafted
Chapter III, of R.W. Jack Lagerquist, R.W. Claire V. Tusch, R.W. Robert
R. Landry and the members of the Masonic Education Committee: R.W. David
A. Walker, R.W. George M. A. Macdougall, R.W. Richard L. Bowden, R.W.
Peter M. Baker and R.W. Howard B. Ellis, III. I hope this Handbook will
be useful to every Maine Mason.
Yours in Service to the Craft,
Wayne T. Adams
Grand Master of Masons in Maine
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