Relief for Guatemala


We have received an appeal for disaster relief via the Masonic Service Association from the Grand Lodge of Guatemala as a result of the Fuego Volcano eruption on June 3rd. There has been significant loss of life and injuries as well as serious damage. Volcanic ash has fallen over half of the country where agriculture is crucial to survival.

The Grand Master of Guatemala, MW Brother Estuardo Ordonez Kocher has requested help on behalf of his brethren and their families. Several severely burned children have been transported to the Shriners Hospital in Galveston, TX but his local resources have been expended.

On your behalf, the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation has sent $5,000.00 for relief of our brethren and their families in Guatemala.
If you feel so moved, you may add to this by sending a donation with a check made payable to the Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation and mail it to PO Box 430, Holden, Maine 04429.

You may also choose to make a donation on line at where you will find a link for “Giving” in the upper right hand corner of the home page. That will bring you to the donation page and you will see a box for Disaster Relief. Fill out the required information and we will receive your donation.
ALL donations received will be in addition to the $5,000.00 already sent in relief.

The Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization and the donation you make is tax deductible.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at the Grand Lodge office, (207) 843-1086.

