Notice of a Special Communication Of the Grand Lodge of Maine, A.F. & A.M.

By order of the Most Worshipful Grand Master:

A Special Communication of the Grand Lodge of Maine A.F. & A.M. will commence at the Masonic apartments of Oriental Star Lodge #21, at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, April 19, 2017, for the purpose of consolidating Whitney Lodge #167 with Oriental Star Lodge #21. The Masonic apartments of Oriental Star Lodge are located at 60 Church Street, Livermore (NOT Livermore Falls), Maine.

The Lodge will serve supper commencing at 6:30 pm, receive Grand Lodge at 7:30 after which a Ceremony of Consolidation, election and installation of Lodge Officers will occur. All current and past Grand Lodge officers should arrive at Oriental Star Lodge by 6:15 pm if they will be joining the Lodge for supper, or by 7:00 pm if attending the Lodge meeting only as there will be a briefing of the participating officers prior to the meeting.

All Brethren joining the Grand Master for dinner should notify the Grand Lodge office at (207) 843-1086, (855) 843-1086 or by Wednesday, April 5, 2017, so the Lodge may be notified of the number of visiting Brethren to be present for supper. If you notify Grand Lodge by email, please put “Special Communication – Whitney-Oriental Star” in the subject line.

All participating Grand Lodge officers should wear a tuxedo and the apron and collar of their office. All other Brethren wearing Past Grand Lodge aprons or Lodge Officer aprons and collars should wear a dark business suit, or a dark sports jacket, and conservative tie.

Please make every effort to join us at this special event.

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Per Order:
Bro. Thomas E. Pulkkinen
MW Grand Master

Bro. Daniel E. Bartlett
RW Grand Secretary