It’s February already? Where did January go? It blew right by me and I will apologize for not getting a newsletter out to you. Unfortunately, I was away several times tending to important family matters. So…here we are, saddled up and ready to ride….
Constitutional Corner
Section 128: Do you know where your Charter is? When was the last time someone who is alive and active in your lodge laid eyes upon it? I have found recently that a surprising number of lodges haven’t seen it in years but they’re pretty sure it’s in the safe… or the safety deposit box at the bank… maybe??
Section 128 Part II: It shall be the duty of the Master to have the charter present in the lodge at the time of the installation of the Master, into whose custody the same shall be delivered, to be kept or deposited by him as herein before provided.
And Part III: Upon the visitation of the lodge by the Grand Master or the District Deputy Grand Master, or any special representative of the Grand Lodge or Grand Master, the charter shall be produced, provided that notice to that effect shall have been seasonably given.
So there are a couple of opportunities to be able to actually see it and know without doubt where this important document is. Many of your Charters are very old and are a very special part of your Lodge history. Please make an effort once a year to keep track of it. Your successors down the road will appreciate it.
Friendly Reminders:
First: Certificates of Election.
Once the current officers have been installed, a Certificate of Election must be filed with this office. It can be done in MORI and when you click SEND it will show up here and you’re all set. If you prefer, you can access Official Form 25 on the Grand Lodge website, print it, fill it out and let the US Post Office get it to us and we will enter it for you. Either way, it’s important information to have captured in MORI. Everything from who receives this newsletter to reaching out to the Master of a lodge and everything in between is taken from MORI.
Second: Please share this with your lodge Brethren: The following information is provided to apprise you of the upcoming vacancies of elected positions in both the Grand Lodge and the Charitable Foundation. The Constitution covers Elections and Appointments in Sec. 7.1 and the Qualifications of Grand Officers is covered in Sec. 5.
The following will be chosen at the Annual Communication on May 2, 2017 commencing at 3:00 PM:
- Grand Master
- Deputy Grand Master
- Senior Grand Warden
- Junior Grand Warden
- Grand Treasurer
- Grand Secretary
- Finance Committee member (3 year term)
- Finance Committee member (3 year term)
Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation:
- Trustee (3 year term)
- Trustee (3 year term)
If you wish to offer yourself as a candidate for any of these important positions on the leadership team of this Grand Lodge and Charitable Foundation, you must inform this office in writing (e mail is acceptable) no later than March 15, 2017 at 4:30 PM.
Third: Outstanding Invoices. You know if you have one because we send them out each month. If you do not receive one you don’t have to call and ask if you do. If you do receive one, please act on it and get it paid. If you think you shouldn’t have received one, call me. Just don’t ignore it please.
Last one: We occasionally see or hear of brethren who use the square and compasses or some other masonic representation to advertise or sell a product or service for personal gain. If you become aware of this occurring, please let me know and we will attend to it.
Save the Dates
- May 2-3 2017 Annual Communication Point Lookout, Northport, ME (Details coming soon!)