As we enjoy this annual respite from Winter, we here at your Office are engaged in preparing the Proceedings of Grand Lodge as well as our regular service to the Lodges. The following lists several areas of concern for you to work with to assist us providing the service you deserve. If you have any questions, please call for clarification.
E-mail has become an essential communications link. As postage rates increase, e-mail becomes even more important. I request of you and encourage you to update and maintain the e-mail addresses for the Lodge for which you are responsible. The savings in time and money can be remarkable.
However, communicating with the Brethren by e-mail is only a good as your records. All Brethren are entitled to receive notices and other information from their Lodge. If you do not have an e-mail address, you should send the notice snail mail.
Remember, the names of candidates cannot be sent in e-mail messages. They must be contained in a sealed envelope mailing. A notice about conferring a degree may be sent as e-mail without naming the candidate. Under no circumstances can an applicant be named in a mailed communication until he has been voted upon and accepted by a Lodge.
District Deputy Grand Masters and District Educational Representatives are eligible for a District wide MORI logon. This will provide you with a number of tools for learning about and communicating with your District including e-mail. Simply call the Office while at your computer to become enrolled.
50 Year Service Medals are sent from this Office to the DDGM of your District. If you know of a Brother who is due a Medal, please call the Office and let us know. We keep track of the current year. If a Brother was missed in a past year we depend on you for the information.
Foreign Affiliates: Those who are members of a foreign jurisdiction or hold a demit from one, can only be admitted to membership in this jurisdiction on the basis of a Certificate of Good Standing. This must be obtained before any voting about the candidate is done. Notify this Office and we will obtain the necessary Certificate. Do not write directly to a foreign Lodge or Grand Lodge. You must go through this Office. We will notify you on receipt of the Certificate. Following this, your Lodge can vote and you will notify us of the outcome. We will make the proper entry in MORI.
Diplomas should ordered as soon as you know the date of the Degree work. We will send it along with a dues card, Rookie Form, and a welcome from the Grand Master. It is important to present this to the new Master Mason upon his raising. If the work does not take place, just let us know the new date and we’ll send a replacement Diploma.
Certificates of Election must be filed as soon as the installation takes place in order for us to have accurate information about your Lodge. The can be filed through MORI, e-mail, or snail mail forms. Be sure that your Lodge Officers of Record are correct.
When e-mailing the Office, please include the Lodge name and number in the e-mail. It would greatly assist the staff in responding to your message.
Editing MORI: Please do so in the proper manner. If you wish to edit date, add events, or make other changes and are not sure how to accomplish the task, call the Office and we will walk you through the process so you can be certain next
Thanks for all you do,
Mark E. Rustin
Grand Secretary
From the Maine Masonic College:
Masonic College Convocation will be held in Bangor this year on October 10th and 11th at the Hollywood Casino. The theme will be “Polishing the Stone” which will deal with the steps in the development of Master Masons. Mark the dates in your calendar. More information will be forthcoming as the event approaches.