Happy New Year!!
With the turn of the calendar, comes perhaps the most important task the Lodge Secretary does as it relates to the Grand Lodge: preparation of the Annual Return. In order to
properly prepare your Return, you should enter all the information for 2013 into MORI (the electronic database) no later than January 7,2014. Information input for 2013 will be closed after that day. An accurate Annual Return depends upon accurate, timely information. If you need assistance, have questions, or wish to sign onto the MORI please call the Office.
For those Secretaries not on MORI, please use the printed FORM 10 FORM 8 mailed to you. Your Lodge information must be submitted by the January 7 date by way of Status Update Reports or a completed Annual Return in order for us to enter your information for you.
The completed Return and funds to meet the Lodge per capita and other assessments must be postmarked no later than February 1, 2014 to avoid any late fees. If you need assistance call this Office and we will help make sure your filing is on time.
As a reminder to the Lodges who do not use MORI — you must file Monthly Status Reports with this office by the 5th of EACH month whether there are changes or not. The data is essential to the orderly work of the Grand Lodge. These reports are not optional. They are required of all Lodges not electronically updating their information.
Please remember any Lodge may appoint an Assistant Secretary to augment the Secretary’s ability to serve the Lodge properly. Several Lodges have the Assistant responsible for data entry. This eliminates the need for the Secretary to learn something new and allows the Lodge to be better served.
In the Districts where I was unable to hold Secretary’s meetings with you, I am asking the DDGMs to arrange a date for them now and confirm it with me. I’m available after January 12, 2014. Please notify your DDGM as to when you are available.
Many Lodges hold Annual Meetings this time of the year. As soon as new Officers are installed, please notify this office. The easiest method is to file a Certificate of Election within MORI. Otherwise, timely notification must be made by e-mail or snail mail. When published in the Proceedings or sought out in the Grand Lodge Roster, this accurate information is valuable to Mason’s across the state.
If your Lodge received a request from this Office concerning the ownership of and other information about your Lodge Hall and you have yet to respond, please do so immediately. This information is vital to determining the liability of the Lodges and their members. We can provide you with information and documents to help correct any deficiencies.
Also note, Office Hours are Monday through Friday from 8:30AM until 4:30PM. Extended hours on Monday are cancelled until further notice.
Here’s to a Happy and Healthy 2014 for you and your Lodge.
Thanks for all you do,
Mark E. Rustin
Grand Secretary