Grand Secretary “Lowdown” Information for Lodge Secretaries – May and June 2017

Greetings and Felicitations!

Welcome to June where the road traffic has increased out front and the black flies are out so summer is on the way!

You may have noticed the new title of this document.  Please take “lowdown” at its most literal definition.  Lowdown (noun)-the true facts or relevant information about something.

 Grand Lodge Annual Communication

A brief recap:

-The legislation concerning Lodge Histories failed to pass so keep them coming and if you don’t, expect a $10.00 penalty. (See Constitutional Corner below.)

-The Apron can be worn outside of Lodge without dispensation to participate in Memorial or Divine services, Grand Lodge approved processions, ceremonies to recognize Masonic veterans or present Grand Lodge approved awards.

-The budget was approved and per-capita remains the same for this budget year (2017-2018).

-RW Brother Rufus Cox was elected SGW.

-RW Brother Ken Caldwell was elected JGW.

-MW Brother Wayne Adams and RW Brother Don Pratt were elected to the Charitable Foundation Board of Trustees.

Constitutional Corner

        “75.3  Not later than March 1st annually, each lodge in this Jurisdiction shall prepare its history for the preceding year, permanent copies of which shall be on file with the lodge and Grand Lodge; provided, however, that any lodge whose annual meeting falls in the month of February shall have until April 1st of each year to comply with the above requirements.”

While I take no pleasure in dunning a lodge for a ten-dollar bill, like you I took an oath to uphold the Constitution so please send a lodge history in.  Do it for our descendants so they may know what we did while we were the caretakers of our Fraternity.

Friendly Reminders

            First: The Grand Lodge Master Insurance policy renews on June 1st.  Insurance bills will be sent to the lodges and building corporations in June.  For those who don’t know how this works, Grand Lodge pays the total bill for everyone when we are billed.  We bill the lodges to recoup that money and we appreciate your prompt attention in this matter.  If you are dark in the summer, please make sure your lodge approves paying the insurance bill before going dark.

Second: Also, June 1st is the legal filing deadline for the Annual Report of the building corporation with the State of Maine.  The report can be filed easily on line and if it hasn’t been filed, it should be as soon as possible.  If building corporation matters are not in your wheelhouse so to speak, please advise those responsible of this important deadline.  The state will dissolve the corporation if an Annual report is not received.

Save the Dates

June 3, 2017-Maine Masonic College “The Great Conversation” Horeb Lodge, Lincoln 9AM-12PM

June 17, 2017-Masonic Family Fun Day, Boothbay Railway Village, Boothbay 10AM-3:30PM (Flyer attached)

June 24, 2017-Maine Masonic College “Myth and Freemasonry” Saco Lodge, Saco 9AM-12PM

July 1, 2017-Maine Masonic College “Critical Thinking” Cornerstone Lodge, Portland 9AM-12PM

For the Secretaries

I expect to have the 2017-2018 Directory printed and shipped to you in June.  The information for this Directory is derived directly from MORI so when lodge officers are not updated, i.e., submitting a Certificate of Election after new officers are installed, we get a less than accurate product.  If you have not sent in a COE or electronically provided one through MORI, please do so. Together we can provide an accurate Directory

