Here we are with summer coming to a close…Whaaat? Already? There has been a lot going on around the state involving our Fraternity from Maine Mason Day with the Portland Sea Dogs, Widow’s Sons rides and family camping events, supporting the MS Bike Ride, Maine Masonic College classes, golf tournaments and Masons statewide being involved in community events. It is time to start the transition to our Fall activities which involve lodges coming out of darkness and District meetings kicking off. There’s much to do…Get involved!!
Quick Hits
First: Please make the information contained in this newsletter available to anyone in your Lodge who might be interested or might need to be aware of its contents!! Feel free to email it to your Lodge email lists as well.
Second: Insurance: The invoices are out with just a couple of exceptions. We have invoiced about 350 lodges and building associations. If you receive a package that includes the invoice and coverage summary for the building association, kindly and promptly deliver it to the appropriate Mason if so required. Thank you all for your attention in this matter.
Third: If your Lodge chooses to participate in the Grand Master’s Black Hat campaign to benefit the Brotherhood Fund, kindly make your check payable to: Maine Masonic Charitable Foundation.
Fourth: Dues cards will be shipped out next week for the 2019 year. Remember, if you need a replacement dues card, call the office and we will send one to you. Any dues card with the member name handwritten should be suspect.
Fifth: If you haven’t paid Grand Lodge for your Bikes for Books order yet, please do so as soon as possible. There are still thousands of dollars outstanding and honestly, there is no good reason for it.
Sixth: I will be out of the office taking a vacation before lodges get cranked up to speed this fall. I will return on Sept 4th. In the meantime, April and Theresa will be happy to assist you.
Save the Dates
Sept 8, 2018 12:00PM Special Communication of the Grand Lodge at the Fire Station, 2 Coos St. Hallowell, Cornerstone Ceremony.
District Meetings: Head on over to the Grand Lodge website and hit the Grand Master’s calendar for a complete list. Grand Master’s Calendar Once there, click on the meeting you are interested in and the pop up box will provide details. Note that all District meetings are tyled this year.
The Grand Lodge calendars on the Grand Lodge website has a wealth of information about what’s happening around the jurisdiction.
For the Good of the Order
I encourage you to use the Grand Lodge website as a primary source of information. This newsletter is posted there as well as the Maine Mason magazine. The current issue of the Maine Mason should be there within the next few days.
For the Secretaries
As always, if you have any questions about anything to do with your Lodge, please feel free to call or e-mail us. We are here to help and support the Lodges and I encourage you to take advantage of it.