Dear V.W. DER’s,
The MEALS Committee recognizes the need for you to communicate with each other, the MEALS Committee and “The Craft”. So we asked the Grand Lodge WEB Master to create the “DER Corner” as a vehicle for partially fulfilling this need. Please feel empowered to use the DER Corner to get the word out with regard to Masonic Education. For example, many Maine Masons, including quite a few sitting lodge Masters don’t know that our constitution has been amended and that it is O.K. to conduct a Stated meeting in any of the three degrees. Please read page 1-39 Sec. 94 in your Constitution and Regulations. If your book is not up to date, this change may not be in there. Similarly, if some of your lodges are unaware of this change, they probably have a constitution that needs to be updated. This can be accomplished very easily by calling the Grand Lodge office and requesting the changes for your book.
Our Masonic Constitution contains a wealth of information that you can use to conduct Masonic Education for your lodges. The training could be done as a lecture or it could be done as a seminar where the DER facilitates discussion among our brothers. Most Masons love to talk and we all have a bevy of opinions that we are eager to share and promote.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Tim Martel, Chairman of the MEALS Committee
What’s Available in the DER Corner
- Education – The Unspeakable Masonic Word (MS Word docx format) By W. Bro. Jay Hochberg
- Grand Lodge of Maine Constitution – Interesting Things Program (MS Word docx format)
- Sources of Masonic Law – Program on the Ancient Landmarks (MS Word docx format)
- The Templar Origins of Freemasonry (MS Word docx format)
- The Three Lesser Lights
- Two Pillars – A Powerpoint Presentation (PPT file) with Notes (MS Word docx format)
- Power Point Presentation for Fellowship Nights (by Tim Martel)
- Some Masonic Best Practices by Raymond Rideout Award Winners (PDF)
- Masonic Trivia Quiz 1: without answers, with answers (MS Word docx format) (by Roger Easley)
- Masonic Trivia Quiz 2: without answers, with answers (MS Word docx format) (by Roger Easley)
- Candidate Progress Report from the DER Manual
- Toolbox Item: Entered Apprentice
- Toolbox Item: Fellowcraft
- Toolbox Item: Master Mason
Other Resoures on the web site
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