For a few folks, this is the devil’s own section! For everyone else, they’re part and parcel of our daily lives – and we’ve got all sorts of things in our library which will help you grow and learn. Our Grand Librarian has been working closely with computers since well before the very first ‘PC’ ever came along and he continues that direct and very current involvement nearly 40 years later by serving as our Webmaster and overseeing the Social Media activities of our Grand Lodge.
As a result, he has a particular interest in this area and constantly adds reading and educational material appropriate to current trends. He has donated his large personal tech book selection as well.
For those not on the ‘bleeding edge’ like Ed (be thankful!), you’ll also find a plentiful number of books on computer topics ‘one generation back’ (which, as is often joked, means ‘yesterday’) that you can take home and use. These are in the shelf with our Lending Library books.

Finding less well-known texts that are relevant to our members, their friends, and their communities is our goal. If there’s a particular need you have, we may be able to help! It’s not all that mysterious, once someone gives you a bit of help. HONEST!

It’s a rapidly changing field and our funds/space are limited. We’ve tried to have a representative selection which might give you an introduction to what you’re seeking. If there’s a gap in our holdings, let us know and we’ll try to fill it.